This Lives In My House – Paper Toy Monsters

Here is a picture of the thing:



Hey look I got a little better at taking a picture! Go me.

I MADE THESE MYSELF!! I know, I’m a genius huh? No really… I did fold and stick these myself, but they are from an awesome book I bought from my local ‘Travelling Man’ comic book shop in Leeds.

I don’t know what compelled me to buy it.. I have never been particularly interested in paper toys before, but I DO like vinyl and collectible toys, so I guess my inner child (so all of me then) couldn’t resist!

Here is the book they are from..


Jam packed with awesome paper toys!

If you want it too, you can buy it HERE. I can’t tell you just how fun they are to make! Some of the expressions on them are amazing. Like the little bed guy… he’s my fave! 

I have made roughly a third of the toys in this book (more than I have shown on the photo). Some were really hard and not fit for anyone to see by the time I finished mangling them all up! In the back of the book they have blank templates for you to draw, paint, collage or whatever your own designs onto!

I keep my little fellas in my display cabinet with all my other toys.. which you will probably see in a future ‘This Lives In My House’ post!

Kate x